"Paul was a scholar and an orator of the highest degree; he was not speaking here out of a deep sense of humility, but was saying that when he preached the gospel, he would veil the power of God if he impressed people with the excellency of his speech. Belief in Jesus is a miracle produced only by the effectiveness of redemption, not by impressive speech, nor by wooing and persuading, but only by the sheer unaided power of God. The creative power of redemption comes through the preaching of the gospel, but never because of the personality of the preacher.
Real and effective fasting by a preacher is not fasting from food, but fasting from eloquence, from impressive diction, and from everything else that might hinder the gospel of God being presented. The preacher is there as the representative of God— ". . . as though God were pleading through us . . ." (2 Corinthians 5:20). He is there to present the gospel of God. If it is only because of my preaching that people desire to be better, they will never get close to Jesus Christ. Anything that flatters me in my preaching of the gospel will result in making me a traitor to Jesus, and I prevent the creative power of His redemption from doing its work."
-Oswald Chambers
This is precisely opposite of what you hear from successful preachers (at least the ones that write books and speak at conferences). Your communication skills need to improve to reach more people. Which do you believe?
I think part of the problem with the Christian church today is our desire for our preachers to be like our politicians.
Many want smooth talkers who are wordsmiths of culturally comfortable messagess.
We want our leaders to have a certain look, a certain charisma and be able to wow us with a worldy verbal eloquence.
I think God wants declarers of His Word to be people of Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, Truth and most of all Holiness!
God wants us to be seeking Him through prayer, scripture meditation, accountability, quiet Godly reflection, fasting, and most of all Obedient HUMILITY!
The success of Christ bride is not based on how great a speaker the preacher is or the number of people who are attendng the services.
It is based on the Spiritual growth and Sanctification of the brothers and sisters in the church. Are they growing in their desire to make God's will their own will?
Is the fruit of the Spirit being displayed in a manifestation of the living water of the Holy Spirit and is Christ Jesus imparting His Righteousness on this ordained person of God?
Christ DOES NOT tell us in the last Gospel chapters of Matthew and Mark to make FANS, but to disciples!
For the past century, the cultural leaders have influenced the church, NOT the church influencing the culture leaders!
God can use me more powerfully if I seek His Holiness, if I seek what His Will is and seek to have a PURE HEART, not a great vocabulary.
Hmm, looks like you've been doing some good reading lately, pastor phil :)
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